Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day four: Holtwood, PA to Reistertown, MD

So the word for today was HILLS and lots of them. Oh and throw a little wind into the mix and you get a very hard ride for the day. But it was a great ride. Just to give you an idea of the terrain look at these road signs.

Okay, it wasn't so bad. Our photographer, Kip, was always around taking pictures. And when he wasn't laying around in the road taking pictures, he would lend a hand with an extra push over the top of the hill.

But seriously the day was long and hard, and also as rewarding as the previous three. There was a lot of inspiration gained from the shared endeavor. We were even joined by the Embassador to Denmark on our ride today. In the evening he spoke to is about the upcoming COP 15 summit in Copenhagen.
But I also had some inspiration during my ride from the previous evening's talks. In particular Roz Savage spoke about her rowing voyages across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Something she said really struck a chord with me. She presented the notion that each rowing stroke is a single small effort, but if we all engage in individual efforts that can help our planet then indeed we can cross oceans and bring
about a world that has a sustainable future. If it is possible for me to make one peddle stroke after another, then it is possible to make small
changes in my household's impact on the environment and climate.

Colin Beavan, a.k.a. No Impact Man, spoke about how important it is for each of us who are engaged in conversations about sustainabilty to open up our own minds so that we can find ways to constructively engage the disinterested parties at the local and regional level, because a national movent will not take place unless there is a change in our national culture that also takes place or the regional and local level..

That cultural change starts at home. The last few days have made me miss my home and family, but I am sure that when I get home I will be endeavoring for us to make take some strokes to change the world for the better. And I also want to share that vision with friends and colleagues who just need a small nudge to make a few small strokes of their own.
So today was 57 miles through hill country with the wind in my face. Tomorrow it's 68 miles to the Capitol, the ride is mostly downhill. But there is a lot more work ahead than a downhill ride.

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